• 集团概况 About


    集团管理机构是董事会,下设行政部、财务管理部、投资发展部、教育督导部、总务后勤部、审计部和国际部。集团在董事会直接领导下,逐步发展壮大,从小到大、从弱到强、从普通教育到国际化教育,已初具规模,下辖六大类校区: 一、高等教育校区:河南焦作工贸职业学院、焦作职业大学(筹); 二、中等教育校区:河南省沁阳市职业中等专业学校; 三、基础教育校区:广州市花都区花广学校(原广州大学附属中学花都实验学校)、广州市花都区花广金狮学校(原广州大学附属中学狮岭实验学校)、广州市荔湾区荔广实验学校(原广州大学附属中学荔湾实验学校)、佛山市南海区狮山博雅学校 四、培训中心:广东博雅培训中心、广州英耐尔教育培训中心; 五、国际教育:美国博雅学校、美国博雅鸿腾教育基地; 六、幼儿园区:伦顿国际托育中心、英耐尔三语国际园、焦作市一鸣幼儿园、广州市花都京师幼学幼儿园、广州市花都快乐时光幼儿园。


    Boya International Education Group was established by Ou Hong and his wife Li Mingzhen in 1998. Ou Hong is well known as the first P.R China government-sponsored Ph.D. in English Language and Literature, Postdoc degree at the University of Cambridge, and Doctoral Supervisor of Sun Yat-Sen University. Since its foundation, aiming at multiple developments, the Group has successively set up various schools, such as kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, vocational and training schools. In 2013, the Group began to tap into the field of international education and offered a series of international courses with cooperation with the affiliated school of Liberty University in the US and the Educational Ministry of Tasmania of Australia. Entitled by British Edexcel Center, in 2015, the Group set up the A-LEVEL Center of Education and Examination. At the beginning of 2018, the Group successfully signed a contract with Delaware State University, started international university education.

    The Group has a Board of Directors, under which there are Administration Department, Financial Management Department, Investment Development Department, Education Supervision Department, General Logistics Department, Audit Department, and International Department. Under the leadership of the board of directors, Boya has gradually developed, from a school to an education group, from local education to international education, and gained high-spirited momentum on its way of development.,We provide multiple stages of education and operate in different locations. Tertiary education: Jiaozuo College of Industry and Trade, Jiaozuo Vocational University (Preparatory); Post-secondary non-tertiary education: Secondary Vocational School of Qinyang City; Primary and secondary education: Guangzhou Huaguang School (Huadu Experimental School Affiliated to Guangzhou University), Guangzhou Huaguang Jinshi School (Shiling Experimental School Affiliated to Guangzhou University, Guangzhou Liguang school (Liwan Experimental School Affiliated to Guangzhou University), and Shishan Boya School; Non-academic education: Guangdong Boya Training Center, Guangzhou Innale Education Center; Overseas education: Boya School (USA)、Boya Hongteng Education(USA); Early childhood education: Lundun Kids Daycare Center, Innale Trilingual Kindergarten, Jiaozuo Yiming Kindergarten, Guangzhou Huadu Jingshi Kindergarten, Guangzhou Huadu Happy Time Kindergarten.

    Under the leadership of the board of directors, Boya International Education Group adheres to the principles of "erudition, professionalism, magnanimity and integrity" and an operating model that combines "industry-research-university collaboration ". To meet the needs of middle and primary school students' training and quality-oriented education, the group has successively established several training bases for cooperation with enterprises Boya Group runs schools by the law, standardizes the management, and pools every staff member’s wisdom and efforts to increasingly perfect itself from exclusive education-oriented growth to the development of education collaborated with industries and other walks of life. Earning a broad reputation and being highly recognized by the government, the Group has made great achievements in education of diversification, modernization, and internationalization, toward which it is still striving

  • 博雅国际教育集团自一九九八年创办以来一直以一流的教育质量赢得社会广泛赞誉,现有个别单位擅用博雅教育集团称谓,特声明与我集团无关。
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