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    博雅集团招聘外教(Boya International Education Group recruits foreign teachers)

    2017-09-15 15:33:47 来源: 浏览:2354




    Boya International Education Group was established by Ou Hong, professor of Sun Yat-sen University, and his wife Li Mingzhen in 1998. Since its foundation, aiming at multiple development, the Group has successively set up various schools, such as primary and secondary schools, vocational and training schools. In 2013, the Group began to tap into the field of international education and offer a series of international courses in cooperation with the affiliated school of Liberty University in the US and Educational Ministry of Tasmania of Australia. Entitled by British Edexcel Center in 2015, the Group set up A-LEVEL Center of Education and Examination.

    The school offers accommodation , one-bedroom apartment with furniture ,TV, air condition, microwave oven, refrigerator and other household appliances. We will buy medical (accident) insurance for teachers,and teachers will enjoy a paid winter vacation of one month.

    1. Native English speakers in good health 
    2. Age between 22-50 (exceptions can be made) 
    3. Teaching experience is needed 
    4. TEFL/TESOL preferred but not required 
    5. Salary: RMB10000-RMB18000 
    Job Description: 
    1. 5 working days per week 
    2. 20-25 working hours per week plus 5-10 office hours 
    3. Students’ age between 6 to15. 
    4. Be responsible for teaching English to school students so as to improve their reading, writing and speaking. 

    If you are interested in this job, please send your resume and a one-minute self-introduction vedio to: boyazp@126.com

    Working Place: Huadu District, Guangzhou City; LiWan District, Guangzhou City, Nanhai District, Foshan City

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